Silk, Life And Proteins

Author: Gaurangi Maitra

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Memory tags: That proteins that build, protect, catalyse, stabilize life structures and processes proteins are also integral to yards of beautiful silk, glowing tresses and melt in the mouth soufflés!

What connects yards of beautiful silk, glowing tresses; melt in the mouth sandesh and soufflés; body protecting antibodies; biocatalytic enzymes and anti diabetic insulin ? A single word protein! The word protein means,’ of the first importance’, in Greek. When I survey the world of biomolecules, I am more than inclined to agree with the nineteenth century chemists who named them.

Protiens are an integral part of the fabric of life. They build, protect, catalyse, stabilize life structures and processes. No cells can divide, no growth in living forms can take place in the absence of proteins. The very membranes that separate the living environment from the non living, have proteins forming essential structural components. Inside these membrane bound compartments or cells, life supporting and generating structures work, many of which are protein based. When chemical reactions in living things create the sum total called metabolism, thousands of chemical reactions run simultaneously and with maximum efficiency thanks to biocatalysts called enzymes, large majority of which are protiens .Living organisms like ourselves have our biological individuality conferred by these molecules. Whether we are allergic , have O positive or A negative blood groups, who we can accept an organ transfer from , how we fight foreign invasions in our bodies is due to proteins. Health is protein dependant. A balanced diet must contain proteins in the correct proportion. If a blood test revels presence of abnormal levels of an enzyme like tyrosinase, the chances of having albinism is very high. The pregnancy test is based on the presence or abscence of a protein hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin. Many chemical messengers within the living system are proteins, as are some of the hormones.

A whole host of functions that we associate with life are protein based. The protein based enzymes in the photosynthetic process help to feed the living population on planet Earth. The very movements we associate with living creatures is due to contractile proteins. So whether you wink or wrestle, play or hug, contractile proteins come into play. Vital circulation of oxygen and removal of carbondioxide within our bodies are dependant on the proper functioning of haemoglobin, an iron containing protein. Being blue blooded is far from royal, it is life threatening! It probably is due to an oxygen deficiency thanks to haemoglobin malfunction .Our bodies fight off foreign invasions thanks to special proteins called antibodies. Nail, hair, wool ,hoof, feathers are all protein based products. The ability to multiply or reproduce, requires DNA to duplicate, a process helped by protein based enzymes.

Entire texts have been dedicated to the forms and structutes of these molecules. As have the lives of scientists like F.Sanger, Max Perutiz and a host of others. To cut a long story short, proteins have structures to suit their function. Whatever keeps this structure intact, helps them to work. Whatever does not, destroys them. Therefore they seem to define the limits within which living systems can operate.

Biotechnology which allows us to create genetically modified organisms, is dependant on special protein based enzymes! The silk I began with is glorious in its texture, colour and value, is at the end of the day a protein called fibroin, unravelled from the silkworm cocoon. I end by saying if proteins work normally, life would be silk smooth and, as intricately, beautifully, interwoven.

Main resources:

  1. A host of wonderful texts and teachers who introduced me to the life sustaining world of proteins.