The Moving Tail

Author: Gaurangi Maitra

photo credit : Yogendra Pratap Singh
Memory tags: : I wait to see the first white wagtail every year- they bring me luck and tell me the glorious Indian cold weather has arrived.

They fly, they flit, they flirt and they signal the arrival of winter on this sub continent. Smartly turned out in white and black plumage and constantly moving their tails up and down (motacilla) they are aptly named the white wagtails or Motacilla alba. They fly in to enjoy the incomparable continental winter, frequenting open fields where it can watch, chase and catch insects.

They are constantly on the move taking short quick runs, strutting, perching on high advantage points and living out of nests in stony crevices manmade or natural. In Shillong among other places, wagtails seem to prefer the ever ubiquitous football grounds feasting on the mobilised food court when the grass is disturbed by the players.

This small bird has a large range that is estimated to extend over 10 million sq km (3.8 million sq mi).‎ Study of its DNA shows that the Motacilla group originated in the eastern Palearctic about 4.5 million years ago and from this beginning over 26 dispersals have resulted in its wide modern day distribution (Condor 104(4):725-739. 2002).

Thus moving tail is a vintage avian visitor who delights us every winter flying in from its summer range. How wonderful it would be if only we could hear and understand the travel tales of the Moving Tale.

Main resources:

  1. Wikipedia
  2. Condor 104(4):725-739. 2002